European Youth Exchange 2012

„Dreams in a Wasted City“

is a European intercultural youth project for 20 young people (18 – 25 years) from France, Turkey, Poland and Germany. „Dreams in a Wasted City“ takes place for 14 days in September 2012 in Berlin Kreuzberg. The project is dedicated to disadvantaged Youth.

Main topic of the project is the perception and reflection of cities as resource consuming systems, also as self-consuming systems, and the artistic handling of the issue.

The young people collect signs and traces of consumption in Berlin and in their hometowns. They transform the collected material in various workshops into artistic products, such as sculptures, furnitures, scenery, characters, puppets, and musical instruments which will then be used in a theater performance.

The participants reflect and exchange their experiences and present their interim results repeatedly in moderated group dialogues. During the process they develop a setting and a dramaturgy for the final shared performance „The Long Night of the Trash Cans.“

The young people will continuously publish their experiences ongoing on their own blogs on www.citycontact.eu.

„Dreams in a Wasted City“ is a collaboration of „Theaterbündnis Blumenstrauß e.V.“ / „Theatre Alliance Bouquet“ and dottland association, and a project of the series CITY CONTACT.

This project is financed by the EU programme Youth in Action